Paris Photo 2016
booth A 25
Grand Palais
opening 11/09/2016

Press release
Memories of ruins work on the idea that what is visible in a ruin expresses what is invisible: the layers of time, from past to present and an imagined future. Using found objects and places that accumulate strata of information, Leyla Cardenas explores photography as a sculpture to reveal the intersection of different experiences of time. Sebastian Riemer?s last series unveal bad preserved film slides where funghi damage the different layers of colour in the image, that lets imagine the past reality as well as a new examination of the materiality of the image. Mixing past and present photographs, Edith Roux shot today?s ruins of colonial houses in Ivory Coast and inserts some black and white figures issued from old postcards while Joachim Schulz exeriments some new photographic pocess from old master paintings.