Art On Paper Brussels
booth 21 hall G3
BOZAR Brussels
opening 09/05/2018
Press release
From the novel “Bartleby the Scrivener” by Herman Melville, the project develops the concept of representation, copy, imitation, and questions the definition of a work of art. Directly based on Melville text, “Dead letters” is a performative work where Slobodan Stosic, like a scrivener, copies meticulously the whole novel in extremely small letters. He then uses some theorical ideas based on “Bartleby ou la formule” by Gilles Deleuze, as an input for the content of the drawings that surround the central piece. In the series titled “The voice imitator”, some are text based drawings, some are drawings in a technical sense (mainly made with pencil or charcoal on paper), that make uncertainty who made them, and that also provide uncertainty weather they are "good" or "bad" drawings. The various papers used by the artist may be quite old, but also book pages or passepartout. Some drawings develop lines and blurred images. From that basic premise, the artist aims to develop Felix Guatarri idea of collective assemblage of enunciation.