Le Paradis, un peu plus loin
curator Theo-Mario Coppola
- Group show

- Francis Almendarez,
- Yasmina Benabderrahmane,
- Milena Bochet,
- Françoise Coutant ,
- Aliénor Dauchez,
- Ymane Fakhir,
- Hélène Garcia,
- Ana Maria Gomes,
- Charlie Malgat,
- Randa Maroufi,
- Annette Messager,
- Tracey Moffatt,
- Zineb Sedira,
- Ozlem Sulak,
- Mükerrem Tuncay,
Press release
Curated by Theo-Mario Coppola, the exhibition is inspired by "El paraíso en la otraesquina", a novel by the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa (2003). A reflexion on the biographic narrative.
The eponym piece of Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the 2010 litterature Nobel prize celebrates Flora Tristan, feminist activist and her grandson, painter Paul Gauguin. Driven by passion and the quest for an unattainable absolute, these two destinies face the world and its torments. A narrative fed by the life force, depicts the confrontation of individualities facing contradictory environments, sometimes even hostile to their aspirations.
This tragic tension is the main thread of the exhibition which gathers artists Francis Almendárez, Yasmina Benabderrahmane, Aliénor Dauchez, Ymane Fakhir, Hélène Garcia, Charlie Malgat, Randa Maroufi, Annette Messager, Tracey Moffatt, Zineb Sedira, Mükerrem, Özlem Sulak and filmmakers Milena Bochet, Ana Maria Gomes.
Each artist suggests the concrete power of roots and the uprising of the soul through thoughts of other lives. The portraits of women are shown through installations in the form of videos and photographs.
Le Paradis un peu plus loin (Paradise, a little further) is an ode to faith, a wonderful song.