Fear and Desire
new cinematic works by Julian Rosefeldt, Christoph Girardet & Matthias Muller, Reynold Reynolds, Clement Page, Marion Tampon-Lajarriette
+ new sculptures by Mattia Biagi
There are few subjects in the study of cinema that are quite as salient as fear & desire. Freud, Lacan, Lyotard and dozens more have written about the desiring, or libidinal, function of the cinematic, while semioticians such as Christian Metz have described how such voyeuristic mechanisms such as distance, displacement and lack are part and parcel of the filmic experience as well. ?What distinguishes the cinema,? writes Metz, ?is an extra reduplication, a supplementary and specific turn of the screw bolting desire to lack? which is partly why the cinema is so very well-suited to handling erotic scenes, which depend so heavily on direct, non-sublimated voyeurism.?
Co-curated by Clement Page, the exhibition Fear & Desire at Young Projects will feature 7 films by some of Europe?s most respected artists. Each medium-to-short work explores the theme of fear & desire, both as a topic and as a formal concern, and yet no two approaches are alike.
der Leone have sept cabecas
curators : Filipa Oliveira & Elfi Turpin
This collective exhibition gets its inspiration from the film Poto & Cabengo by Jean-Pierre Gorin who captured in 1979 twin sisters that invented and used their own language until the age of 8. In the horizon of this film, the exhibition brings together artists and contributors whose practice is based on the space of language, text or speech, playing with notions of interpretation, nonsense and invention.
Utopie Picturale 2
curator Eric Winarto
International Photo Festival
Curators: Masahiro Amano and Thomas Maisonnasse
More information
DVDanza Habana IX International Festival of Videodance
Le Regard du bègue
An exhibition from the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Geneva, Switzerland
Rencontrer l'animal
Curator Claude d'Anthenaise