

  • Group show
09/04/2024 - 09/21/2024
Jorge Rosano Gamboa
Jorge Rosano Gamboa
Masque 2, 2023
serie Este pueblo está lleno de ecos (This town is full of echoes)
Antique used tiles with moss, marbles, paper fragments from the book "Pedro Paramo" by Juan Rulfo
25 x 50 x 6 cm approx
Unique artwork, available

Press release

At the time when the centenary of the Surrealism Manifesto is being celebrated, this exhibition presents creations of contemporary artists that one could imagine appearing in a cabinet of curiosities -singular works where strangeness and wonder mix and disturb our usual perception of the visible. Here is an assemblage that recalls dada and surrealism where poetry and unreality, art and nature, art and popular tradition are combined. Elsewhere, these are the mysteries born of the transgression of matter, of the confusion between the real and the artificial, between the true and the false.