2022 - 2024 National Diploma in Arts, awarded with honors - National Higher School of Arts Paris (Ensapc) - Cergy, France
2016 - 2019 Master's in Contemporary Philosophy (with honors, jury's congratulations) - École Normale Supérieure - Paris, France
2015 - 2018 Master's in Public Policies – Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) Paris
2012 - 2015 Double Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Political Science (with honors) - University Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris, France

University KNUST, Ghana (2 months)
Abbaye de Maubuisson, France - art center - artist residency during 3 months + exhibition

Solo show Galerie Dix9 (upcoming)
Les avant-choses, pré-histoire d'un lieu, group show, Centre d'art Ygrec - ENSAPC,  Aubervilliers, France (05.02 – 17.05.2025)
-UtOpium - Group show - Curated by Shiva Lynn Burgos and Skinder Hundal, private apartment, Paris
-For Those Who Live in the Land of Darkness, a Light Began to Shine – Invitation to the solo show of Loïck Mfoundou, La Corvée, Paris, France
- Blisters, on Pharmaco-Poetics, Ecologies, and Spectrality – Final presentation of the curatorial residency - Curated by Ritika Biswas, Fiminco Foundation, Romainville, France
- Close Up – Group show - Curated by Camille Martin, Neuvitec, Neuville-sur-Oise, France
-Very Important History - Group show curated by art students on the occasion of the World AIDS Day vigil, Les Amarres, Paris, France
- Personal Message - Group show - curated by Delphine de la Roche and Nicolas Jaeger, Tour Orion, Montreuil, France