Born in 1973 in Clermont-Ferrand, France

Lives and works in Paris

2003 Post-master new medias, Collège Invisible, directed by P. Devautour, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, France
2000 graduation Plastic expression, Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts in Bourges, France
1998 Erasmus Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Atelier Michelangelo Pistoletto, Vienna, Austria
1997 graduation Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts de Bourges, France
1992 Graduation, Saratoga, New York, USA

2014 TARA Expédition Meditérranée, Agnes B Foundation
2012 Delfina Foundation, London, UK
2011-12 Atelier Euroméditéranée, Marseille-Provence 2013, France
2009-11 Point Ephémère, Paris
2008 Cuts and Burn, The Outpost, Williamsburg, New-York
2007 Location One, Culture France and City of Paris, New-York

2019 FNAGP, grant for creation, Paris
2016 Support for exhibition, Fluxus Art Project, London
2015 Allocation for research, CNAP, Paris
2009 Dicream, CNC, Paris
2006 support for installation, DRAC Ile-de-France, Paris
2004 Grant for creation, DRAC Ile-de-France, Paris

She Rekindled the vividness of the past, Kunsthalle Münster, Germany
Ya Rayi, Centre d?art contemporain, La Passerelle, Brest, France
Stream of Stories, chapitre 5, Biennale de Rennes, Phakt, France
A l?ombre de l?étoile et du croissant, Center of photography Hauts-de-France, Douchy-les Mines, France
Stream of Stories, chapitre 4, La Vitrine, FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris
Ritournelle, Platforma Festival 17, St John the Baptist Church, Newcastle, UK
Stream of Stories, chapitre 3, Center for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scotland
What Language Do You Speak Stranger?, The Mosaic Rooms, London
Futur, Artconnexion, Lille, France
The Situationist Effect, Taymour Grahne gallery, New York
Third Space, Galerie Mamia Bretéché, Paris
7 Acts of Love in 7 days of Boredom, Transpalette, Bourges, France
Duty Free, Vidéochroniques, Marseille, France

A toi appartient le regard, curator Christine Barthe,musée du quai Branly, Paris
Global(e) Résistance, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Images Liées, part of Manifesta, Château de Servière, Marseille, France
La Colère de Ludd
, BPS22, Charleroi, Belgium
Ici le monde
, Institut du Monde Arabe, Tourcoing, France

Un instant avant le monde, Biennale of contemporary art of Rabat, Morocco
Some of us, Pavillon français de l?exposition «NordArt», Büdelsdorf, Germany
Cartes postales : nouvelles d?un monde rêvé, Les Rencontres d?Arles, Musée départemental Arles Antique, Arles, France.
Press play, Macro Asilo, Rome, Italy
L?heure Rouge,  curator Simon Njami, Dak ?Art, Biennale of Dakar, Senegal
Border lines: from history to story, Center of Contemporary Creativity Olivier Debré, Tours, France
Al Musiqa, curator Véronique Rieffel, Philarmonie de Paris
Videobox #7, Carreau du Temple, Paris
Je marche donc nous sommes, Magasin des Horizons, Grenoble, France
Faits alternatifs, curator Alexandre Bohn, FRAC Poitou-Charentes, Angoulême, France
Global Players, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, part of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie,  curators Florian Ebner, Fabian Knierim et Boaz Levin, DE
Afriques Capitales, curator Simon Njami, La Villette Paris and Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille, France
Rock the Kasbah, curator Bérénice Saliou, Institut des Cultures d?Islam, Paris
Tous, des sang-mêlés,  curators  Julie Crenn and Frank Lamy, MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Traversées, Festival Hors Pistes, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Forms of Action,  curator Viviana Checchia, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
Field Work, Tiwani Contemporary, Londres, UK
Cher(e)s Ami(e)s, Musée national d?art moderne / Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Les Parfums de l?Intranquillité, Hôtel des Arts, Toulon, France
Made in Algeria, curators Zahia Rahmani and Jean-Yves Sarazin, Mucem, Marseille, France
Helldorado, sur les chemins de l?exil, curator Gauthier Pierson, l?Orangerie, Bastogne, Belgium
Cross Border, curator Elisabeth Klotz, PATAKA Art + Museum, Porirua, New Zealand
What the Tortoise Murmurs to Achilles: On Laziness, Economy of Time, and Productivity,  curators Elena Agudio, Saskia Köbschall and Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Savvy Contemporary, Berlin
Prospectif cinéma, Musée national d?art moderne / Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Entry Prohibited to Foreigners, curator Elise Atangana, Havremagasinet, Boden, Sweden
Un voyage en Méditerranée, Galerie du Jour, Paris
WHERE WE?RE AT! Other voices on gender, curator Christine Eyene, Bozar, Bruxelles, Belgique
I am the Shadow Who Walks on Water, curator Charlotte Bank, Art-Lab, Berlin, DE
Syndrome of a Decade, curator Omar Kholeif, Ikono, Berlin
Enthousiasm, Picha Encounters, curator Elvira Dyangani Ose, Lubumbashi, Congo
Visual Arts Festival Damascus,  curators Charlotte Bank and Delphine Leccas, DEPO, Istanbul, Turkey
Pierre qui roule, curator Julia Marchand, Etemad Gallery, Dubai
Le Pont, curator Thierry Ollat, Museum of Contemporary Art Marseille, France
Shifting Cards, curator Cecile Bourne, Les Bains Douches, Marseille, France
De Paso en la Tierra, commissariat de F. Adamsbaum et W. Jeffett, Institut Français, Sevilla and Madrid, Spain
Dak?Art, curators Christine Eyene, Nadira Laggoune and Riason Naidoo, Dakar Biennale, Senegal
Higher Atlas, curators Carson Chan and Nadim Sammam, Marrakech Biennale, Morocco
C?était pas gai mais pas non plus triste, c?était beau. Sextant et plus, Van Gogh Foundation, Arles, France

Pour un Monde Durable, Rencontres in Bamako, Benin
Capturing North African Sunbeams, curator Macu Moran, Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain
In Between: Displaced Harmonies / Dissonant States, Pécs 2010, European Capitale for culture, Hungary
Here & There, Oonagh Young Gallery, Dublin, Eire
Les Multiples Désirs, Galerie Eponyme, Bordeaux, France
Profondeurs de Champs, curator Bérénice Saliou, Galerie FJ, Casablanca, Morocco
3X2, TransatVideo, Pavillon de Normandie, Caen, France
Panafricain, curator Nadira Laggoun, Alger, Algeria
Les Virtuels, La Force de l?art 02, Grand Palais, Paris
Cinemed, monography, Museum Fabre, Montpellier, France
Iconoclastes: Les territoires de l?esprit, curator Kader Attia, galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris
This is now, curator Cecile Bourne, Johannesbourg Contemporary Art Fair, South Africa
Ethnographies of the future, curator Sara Reisman, Rotunda Gallery, NewYork
Vidéo et après, curator Chantal Pontbriand, Centre Pompidou, Paris

Le roman algérien, chapitres 1 et 2, with Clément Dirié, Thalie Foundation, Brussels
Ya Rayi, La Galerie, with Elise Atangana, Noisy-le-Sec, France
Le roman algérien, chapitres 1 et 2, with Clément Dirié, Carosposo, Ecole des Beaux-arts de Paris
Le roman algérien, chapitre 1, Aflam, Mucem, Marseille, France
Le roman algérien, chapitres 1 et 2, Lundi de Phantom n°28 with Marie José Mondzain, espace Khiasma, Paris
Le roman algérien, chapitres 1 et 2, Futur, Séance Phantom, MK2 Beaubourg, Paris
Ya Rayi et The Storyteller, Lundi de Phantom n°26, espace Khiasma, Paris